
Martin, a Different Nomad

January 11, 2019

In this interview podcast of The Radio Vagabond, I interviewed Martin Locklear, who’s American and works for Zip Recruiter as a programmer. He has a different way of travelling.
As a digital nomad, this guy is different than most of us, as you will get to hear in this episode.
Also, he is one of the nicest guys I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know through the Nomad Cruise.
His name is Martin Locklear, he’s American, and he works for Zip Recruiter as a programmer.
We both have a few things in storage back home, we have both been traveling full time around two and a half years, but this is where the similarities stop…
Martin has a very different way of traveling than me. He’s more the definition of a slow traveller.
Enjoy this episode.
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